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American Presidential Election

 Welp, the Democrats lost big-time. Harris lost to Trump and it wasn't even close enough to bother with contesting it.


Who knows. There'll probably be any number of reasons developed: third parties, racism, and so on, and some of those reasons may even be relatively close to the truth.

But what is true is Joe Biden didn't really do Harris any favors with his lack of action on combating inflation. He left it all up to the central bankers and they have exactly one tool for targeting inflation —raising interest rates— and this tool really isn't the best tool available for bringing inflation down in a hurry (it's taxes. Taxes are the best tool for combating inflation but no politicians ever speak about this). It basically took Biden's entire term for interest rates to finally go below 3%, and with that, Biden also probably would've lost the election, because average people are feeling the effects of the cost of living. It's basically a crisis out there and people want relief. Biden offered none and neither did Harris in her campaign.

Rather, what campaign did Harris even run after those first few initial weeks? She brought in Waltz, who was a popular choice for the vice-presidential candidate, but then basically disappeared and palled around with the old Bush II staff, seeking neo-con votes. She demovitated the left by seeking pro-genocide votes by supporting Israel's current government. And the few good policies she did have, such as raising the capital gains tax, she didn't bother campaigning on.

People that would've supported Harris on election day drifted away unmotivated to bother voting for her, and there was a quite angry swell of angry voters that wanted the current administration out, however bad the policies of Trump would be.

The Democrats should do some soul searching but the current cohort in charge of the party really aren't capable of that. If they were, they would've done that after 2016 and this wouldn't have happened this time.

What'll probably happen is the populist left may try to take the reins of the party, and perhaps they'll even succeed. But they probably won't, because current leftist leadership doesn't have much fight in it. And contesting for the leadership of the Democrat Party isn't something the left has shown itself capable of winning. They give up too easily.

What is heartening is Jill Stein actually had some good results in the election even if she didn't win any of the electoral vote. But current Democrat leadership will probably try to blame her for Harris' poor showing rather than pointing the finger at themselves for their terrible campaign.

Well, hopefully something good comes of all this. It'd be nice to see the populist left finally take the reins of the Democrat Party. They need to win its leadership and trounce all the neo-cons and neo-libs out of its leadership structure and take America back to good ol' fashioned New Deal politics.


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