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Showing posts from 2024

Thoughts on the Upcoming BC Election

CTV News: Full B.C. NDP platform includes speculation tax hike, some free transit for seniors A quick analysis of this announcement doesn't move the needle much in my opinion of Elby. He's safe and largely ineffectual. I say ineffectual because his efforts at taking on the rich landlords and speculators that have driven up the costs of housing and renting have largely fallen flat. The prices haven't dropped nearly enough for the average voter to be able to afford anything. Prices have dropped from the AirBnB regulation and the data is too incomplete when it comes to the Vacancy Tax to draw any conclusion to measure it's impact. But the AirBnB price drop has only made a small dent in the affordability of the average unit price. When the newspapers declare that prices have dropped by 2% overall (around $50) and $150 from the AirBnB regulations, the average renter's just going to be left feeling frustrated because the average rent in Vancouver is still $2,600/month an

The On-coming Canadian Housing Market Crash

 It seems inevitable now. What was propping up Canadian housing prices even through the worst of housing market crashes elsewhere were banking rules forcing Canadian banks to keep 100% coverage and investors fleeing into Canadian housing when all else was failing. The latter however now is ready to give. Canadian banks will likely be fine due to well-enforced banking rules, but the housing investors are done for. They've driven up prices so high in Vancouver and other Canadian cities that once the homes begin losing value, that'll be that. Value will sink like a stone into water and trillions of dollars will vanish overnight. Three quarters of the economy, at least. And that's probably the conservative estimate. There is exposure everywhere by a great many players of this financial game. All interconnected with a great many of these companies playing at being investment companies the same way Mom and Pop investors play at the game: without clue and context that they're