I cannot reiterate enough: Covid-19 is a killer virus. Its uncontrolled and unmitigated spread throughout the world is a mistake we'll regret for generations. Its insidiousness is in its ability to be asymptomatic or merely "mild" in its acute phase. However, it is a virus with terrible consequences over the short and long-term for the many who will catch it despite its seemingly asymptomatic or mild effects.
Its ability to disable (https://kffhealthnews.org/news/article/covid-autoimmune-virus-rogue-antibodies-cytokine-storm-severe-disease/) and dysregulate (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9568269/) the immune system is its greatest strength. It is a virus that shares much in common with measles, Hepatitis, and even HIV. Catching it once can and will likely wreck one's defence against other illnesses. Have you been sick more than once in the past few years? That is far out the ordinary. Prior to Covid, the average for people catching ill was once every four to seven years. Nowadays, people on average are getting sick between once and a few times a year. That is not simple correlation but likely a consequence of not protecting ourselves from infection the first time around.
Heart disease is up. Liver disease is up. Deaths from overdose. Basically, all deaths are up upwards of nearly 40% since 2019. And the longer Covid-19 is circulating, the greater this number will accumulate as we all develop graver cumulative damage to this virus.
The exponential growth of the virus' ability to transmit. The cumulative damage done to our bodies. We are now entering the FO phase of the FAFO paradigm.
It is not a being in a manner we can absolutely comprehend. It's deeper mysteries are probably too much for our abnormally large monkey brains. We can make good guesses as to its nuances and behaviors, but how do we prove anything above the level of the idea we believe there to be a molten core at its heart? We believe it breathes and maintains its temperature through the trees, the air, and the ocean. We can make good guesses at all this, modeling to best of our knowledge what it all may look like, and predict its future behavior, but we don't actually know, for certain. Which may seem like a weakness to some. We're nothing more than animals, really. We follow the strong, and the strong are certain. Uncertainty seems alike to fear to some. The Earth is alive, and it is ancient. We are mere insects to it, really. Its age is unfathomable, honestly. We can only imagine a time before humans. We wish for a sense of superiority, as though we're somehow important in the gra...
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