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Covid Sorrow

It's been a while. I've been busy trying to find employment. Found some at last so I can carry on living this meagre existence, living month to month, hoping for some bit of improvement in my financial security.

I am filled though with incredible sorrow. Grief and bereavement from the losses my family has suffered during this pandemic. And it just isn't stopping. It goes from one tragedy to the next. And people who should know better are falling into the cesspit of Trumpian lies about vaccines and masks although considering the American media's complicity in promoting lies, there's good reason to doubt anything it promotes now. There is no credibility to what is reported nowadays.

But there should still be some credibility left somewhere. Vaccines are just simple things. Well, mRNA vaccines aren't but they're based on the same concept, just delivered earlier into the immune system where vaccines can do some good. They just raise a bit of defences against viral invasion. That's it. There's nothing funky about them. They do what they were designed to do. Well, sometimes they don't but that's a 1 in a million chance. Whereas Covid-19 has a 1/100 chance of causing complications.

Ah, fuck it! Who the fuck am I trying to convince? Friends and family members spouting off ridiculous claims of bullshit about what vaccines will do? No. They've made their choice. Trying to convince them otherwise will just cause them to dig in deeper. They don't want to hear what I've got to say.

As it is, I expect more losses in my family. Instead, I'll just have to steel my heart against what will come. There's little I can do to help. I can try to convince people but their minds are set.

What's worse is, it didn't have to be this way. The chance to contain this virus before it did any harm was lost well over a year ago when America and its sycophants decided against restricting travel to and from China in regards to containing it then. So much time was lost. So many lives were lost. It could've been held there, and the Chinese were fairly competent at getting it under control in a few months.

And when it did arrive here, lockdowns needed to go for at least three months to contain it. But governments kept trying to open up early before there were any reports of lack of Covid-19 spread. there were few incentives to keep people home. People had to get income, and so pressured officials to "open up" which was the worst decision to be made. Covid-19 will spread when there's human activity. It's does as it's needs to do to propagate, to ensure its survival.

We humans certainly aren't doing as such though.


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