Personally speaking, Trump's always been a bit of a joke presidency. He's terrible. Awful. A throwback to the days of Jim Crow, but there's an insincerity in his manner that suggests he's only doing it because the people around him want it done. He doesn't care, much like the two prior presidents, whose policies opened up the opportunity for a huckster to even consider running for the presidency. I'm not even going to get into the racialized border politics of Trump. ICE, and all that. It's awful, but it was resultant of the presidents who came before. Obama, and Bush were also bad. Not as bad as Trump, but many of the in-place policies were likely to lead to this point in time. Trump's brutal border policies could not have happened if not for Obama out-doing Bush, and Bush out-policing Clinton, and Clinton... Well, illegal border crossings weren't regular back in the 80's when Mexico was still independent of the Canada-US FTA. Well, to be fa...