The BC NDP almost broke through. It's another BC Liberal government, but only with the cooperation of the Green Party.
If I had any say with the BC NDP, I'd counsel them that this is an opportunity rather than a setback. The BC NDP almost outright won. Just a few more seats. Just a few more.
Furthermore, I'd counsel the BC NDP to put enormous pressure onto the BC Liberals/Green alliance. Offer nothing but poison pills to them. Push bills such as outright shutting down Site C and Kinder Morgen. Test the environmental bonafides of the Greens. See if they backpeddle on their claims to being an environmental political party simply to keep their alliance with the BC Liberals alive. Offer the Greens absolutely nothing but yes or no choices. And make sure that the BC electorate knows what happens if it goes the way of the BC NDP.
Also, craft opposition bills to that are popular with the BC electorate that the BC Liberals have historically have had nothing to do with, such as indexing the minimum wage with the inflation rate. Do the same for Social Assistance (while loosening up the rules for allowing people to qualify for it).
And force the Liberals and Greens to do away with MSPs.
And force them to drive down housing prices.
And force them to drive down tuition prices.
Hell, I'd have the BC NDP push through bills at a consistent rate, announcing what bills the BC NDP have crafted through a blitzkrieg of ads. Let people know what the BC NDP are doing every step of the way as the opposition to the government.
Also, cycle some of the less talented Dippers out. Bring in younger talent with big ideas. Return to the old Dipper identity with a fresh new look. Youth and energy. Talent and potential. The BC NDP are looking forward to the future, sort of thing.
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