Andrew Coyne: Problems behind aboriginal murders won’t be solved with a public inquiryUh, thanks, Captain Fucking Obvious. Like we needed you to tell us that. A public inquiry is important, though. It's a needed ceremony. The world runs and operates on symbols and ceremonies. We First Nations understand this. We live and breath ceremony. The idea behind a public inquiry is for Canada to say, "We care." So long as Steven Harper and Andrew "Fucking Tool" Coyne are both ignoring and downplaying the need for a public inquiry, the longer Canada is showing there is no care from Canada for First Nations. It's a good first step, and Canada won't even take it.
It is not a being in a manner we can absolutely comprehend. It's deeper mysteries are probably too much for our abnormally large monkey brains. We can make good guesses as to its nuances and behaviors, but how do we prove anything above the level of the idea we believe there to be a molten core at its heart? We believe it breathes and maintains its temperature through the trees, the air, and the ocean. We can make good guesses at all this, modeling to best of our knowledge what it all may look like, and predict its future behavior, but we don't actually know, for certain. Which may seem like a weakness to some. We're nothing more than animals, really. We follow the strong, and the strong are certain. Uncertainty seems alike to fear to some. The Earth is alive, and it is ancient. We are mere insects to it, really. Its age is unfathomable, honestly. We can only imagine a time before humans. We wish for a sense of superiority, as though we're somehow important in the gra...
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