The BC NDP will possibly hold onto power in the province of BC. With a Confidence and Supply Agreement with the Greens, they should aim for four years of stable government. However, they should also look inward. They should take good lessons from this near-loss of power. The BC NDP wanted to take a "centrist" position —that they were "safe for business"— but have no idea that the further right the party tacks, the more this plays into the right's strengths giving parties like the BC Conseratives headwinds to go even further right. Rather than safe, the BC NDP needed to announce policies that would've been like swinging haymakers at certain business interests especially for rentals; businesses taking advantage of low wages for international workers; and universities taking advantage of international students. For current rent prices, this plays twofold against the NDP. Rent prices as they are now depress voter turnout for the NDP. People see the NDP as ineffe...
A personal commentary blog.