Yesterday, I was given a list of side-effects from getting my first vaccine shot. However, not listed was one of blistering rage. For near a full year, I'd been undergoing a series of emotions which all joined together into one formless, unidentifiable mess of a blob. I was numb and useless. Recently though, the emotions have begun to separate and I can identify them one by one: great sorrow, and ceaseless anger. And they originate from the same place: the inability of our political and business leaders to confront this crisis in a timely manner that would have saved millions upon millions of lives. Had countries shut down flights from China in a timely manner, the spread of the virus could have been stopped there as the Chinese managed to defeat it utterly. Had our countries, the USA, Canada, the EU, et al, simply shut down for six weeks when the virus was discovered locally, then its spread could have been stopped utterly. However, what we got were halfhearted and token efforts. ...
A personal commentary blog.