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Showing posts from August, 2017

Thinking along the lines of this, I suppose

Made a comment at The Disaffected Lib . Reposted here for personal archival purposes, as I may build upon some of the themes within. _____ Historically, people like Trump tend to be empire's second-to-last leaders. Leaders who lead their nations into stagnant and ruinous policies. Think Brezhnev. Mehmed V. It's generally a series of unfortunate coincidences that lead to their installments, and it's usually a series of blundering events they create leading to their empire's decline. Well, helping to lead to their empire's decline. The political atmosphere which foster these sorts of leaders helps, too. Trump crawled fully formed out of a membrane which was vomited onto the floor in the United States during the end of Age of Reagan. I really can't say it was inevitable that Trump would win election in the USA, but it was inevitable that someone much like Trump eventually would. It's down to the momentum of history, I suppose, that it happened....