I've gotta say, they don't seem very effective. They pale in comparison the BC NDP's. For one, whose bright idea was it to have Christy Clark address the audience, and then speak about commitment and principles? All she's done is make herself a target. If it were up to me, I'd make certain the BC NDP ad with the $300,000 attack on it was played every other commercial break that the BC Liberals were using the Christy Clark monologues on. I'd juxtapose these ads as often as possible, just to hammer that point home. $300,000. Christy Clark. $300,000. Christy Clark. And the BC Liberal attack ad going after John Horgan's record with the BC NDP governments in the nineties is a bit weak. Well, more than a bit weak. It's probably ineffectual. I have mostly good memories of the nineties. Things seemed better, then. There weren't many jobs, but it's easy enough to blame NAFTA for that. The BC NDP did the best they could with the hand they were dealt, ...